Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

For me this year's Thanksgiving holds some extra special thoughts. I am in the midst of a personal health crisis, yet feel so lucky to have the breath and depth of support from my wife, my sisters and brother and good friends.

I hope you will tolerate a little indulgence on my part for the following. I am thankful that my mom's health is OK, (at 87 everything is breaking down, but she still has her sense of humor) and that my sisters are close by to care for her. I also look at how well my daughter is doing in school and maturing as a wonderful, beautiful person who makes me proud of her everyday. I am also very blessed to have met and married Stacey, she is such an strong supporter on a daily basis, I can't imagine going through this without her. Additionally, as I mentioned above my friends! I can't thank them enough, we have people who are offering any help at all, and I know they are sincere. To each and everyone of you THANK YOU!

Thanksgiving is a day off from treatment but resume radiation on Friday. I have had my third chemo treatment and did ok with it, a mixture of the last two week's reaction. I had nausea and starting getting a killer headache, so I did as instructed, and took two Tylenol and a Benadryl and my symptoms calmed down but still sent me to bed by 9:00. I got up on Wednesday still feeling a little bit off, but the Benadryl did the trick and I was OK for the day and had some friends stop by for a glass of wine. I had a lot of laughs and feel great, it seems that interaction with people and enjoying myself is a great medication of it own.

I am still not having major mouth issues, but am starting to feel some discomfort and the doctor told me today that I am developing a mouth ulcer where they are radiating. I need to rinse with two of my rinses more (one to slough off the old cells and one to fight infection) he also gave me a lidocaine mouth rinse in anticipation of trouble over the weekend.

My Erbitux rash is still in full bloom, I had a business meeting today and as I sat down the guy just stared at my face, so I had to explain what was going on. Not the best ice-breaker, but it did start the meeting off with some sympathy and as a sales guy, I will always take that advantage :)

I will update again on Friday and want to wish all a great Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rich,

    You are always in our thoughts. Appreciate the updates on your treatment and our prayers are with you daily.

    Your strength in an inspiration.

    God Bless you and Stacey,

    Victor and Sherri
