Hi everyone, it has been a while since my last update and things have gotten better quickly. On my last visit to the doctor 2 weeks ago, she came in, looked at me, and immediately went to the computer to look at my chart. She had reviewed my chart and wanted to double check to see when I had finished training. She could not believe that it had only been a month ago that I had finished treatment. She commented that I had done amazingly well and that I had tolerated the treatment better than most.

My neck is almost fully healed and it is amazing to see how nicely my operation scars have healed. I still have a large sore on the side of my tongue that hurts when I chew or talk, so by the end of the day it is usually raw. That has not stopped me from moving back to soft foods and off the liquid diet. At my lowest weight I had lost 40 lbs from 213 down to 173. I have now started to recover the weight and have gained a pound this week. The other issue is that swallowing still hurts, but I an certainly tell the difference of a few weeks, that is easing as well. Everything else about the recovery is going fine as well. My skin is healing from the Erbetux rash from the Chemo, but is still very dry, so I am working on that. The other two remaining symptoms are being cold all of time and my nose still runs due to the allergy to the chemo. Both of those should ease up in the next month or so.

I started traveling again for work, last week I was in Jakarta, Indonesia and this week I am off to Delhi, India. Talk to you all soon

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